Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Welcome to Primordial Pottage

Welcome! You've landed on a small group of folks who have begun experimenting with sharing our soup recipes with one another and with you! We are an enthusiastic avaricious group of soup devotees, who are determined to discover the meaning of life through an exchange of hearty pottage. We thought long and hard about the name of our fine group (all of about 30 minutes via email exchanges) and we were really torn between using the word potage vs pottage. I am a huge fan of anything French, including words, so I was immediately drawn to the word Potage. This is a french word for soup. More precisely:

potage  [poh-tahzh; Fr. paw-tazh]  –noun French Cookery. 
soup, esp. any thick soup made with cream. 
Origin: F; see pottage
But then I read more about Pottage. This seemed more appropriate for our group since we had a few vegetarians on board.

pottage [pot-ij] –noun
a thick soup made of vegetables, with or without meat.
Origin: 1175–1225; ME potage < OF: lit., something in or from a pot 1 ; see -age

Then came the philosophical aspect of our passion. There is this term used, Primordial Soup to describe…. Well, I’ll just show you the definition:

primordial soup –noun Biology.
  1. the seas and atmosphere as they existed on earth before the existence of life, consisting primarily of an oxygen-free gaseous mixture containing chiefly water, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. 
  2. a laboratory preparation containing the substances believed to have composed primordial soup, and used in experiments seeking to understand the origin of life.
    In a sense, this is what we are doing with our soups. Thus the name and our definition:

    Primordial Pottage –noun Biology, Cookery
    a laboratory preparation containing the substances believed to have composed primordial soup, and used in experiments seeking to understand the origin of life through soup cuisine.

    So I hope you enjoy your time here. Any comments or feedback is certainly welcome! If you try one of our recipes, do come back and let us know how you liked it!
