Friday, November 13, 2009

The Great Pumpkin Soup

pumpkin soup

Here's the more veracious recipe:

1 lg can pumpkin puree
2-4 cups veggie or chicken stock, depending on how thick you like your soup
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk (light) or 1/4 cup cream **
1/4 cup sugar (skip this if you used sweetened coconut milk!)
1 orange (for zesting and for it's juice)
3-4 carrots
1 to 1/2 butternut squash
cayenne pepper to taste
2t white pepper
2t powder ginger

toasted pumpkin seeds

Mix the first four ingredients together in a 4 quart pot
Meanwhile, slice and dice the veggies and roast them in the oven until tender. Careful not to over cook or burn! If you prefer, you can boil them.

Add cooked veggies to pot. Add zest of the orange. Carefully squeeze the juice of the orange into the pot, stirring every few moments so that the ingredients gently blend.

Add spices to your liking. I added cayenne, white pepper and ginger.

** IF you do not want to use cream or coconut milk, add a little more veggie stock.

Here's the more simple recipe!

1 lg can pumpkin puree
2-4 cups veggie or chicken stock (depending on how thick you like your soup)
1/4 cream
1/4 cup sugar
1 orange (for zesting and for it's juice)
2t white pepper
2t powder ginger

Mix the first 4 ingredients together in a 4 quart pot. Add zest of the orange. Carefully squeeze the juice of the orange into the pot, stirring every few moments so that the ingredients gently blend. Add spices to your liking.

Both recipes are great and both can be made either with veggie stock or chicken stock. If you do happen to make this soup, I'd love to hear how it turned out, so consider coming back and leaving a comment if you did just that!

Myself! I concocted this potion. Please feel to add or subtract ingredients and spices to your liking. The soup is pretty forgiving.

Ciao for now!

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